M.D.’s Special Report…

New, Doctor-Designed Protocol Reveals How to Attain


WITHOUT Extreme Diets, Dangerous Pills
Or Brutal Workouts! It’s His...

Total Health
Makeover in
TEN Easy Steps

Discover how you can lose extra weight fast...
drop your blood pressure and cholesterol back to normal...
have perfect blood sugar... and more!

Dear Friend,

My name is Dr. Michael Cutler. I’m a board-certified M.D., and I’ve spent decades treating patients in my medical practice.

But today I want to tell you something that’s very far from what a traditional doctor or nutritionist would say.

I’ve developed a radical strategy that will enable you to have perfect health simply, and easily.

You don’t have to make “lifestyle changes.”

You don’t have to “diet.”

You don’t have to do any extreme workouts or run for miles.

I realize that contradicts what every mainstream medical practitioner wants you to believe.

But I believe those doctors are taking the easy way out by making it hard on you.

In fact, you can have…

Optimal Health with Half the Effort!

Spending all your time at the gym? Never again.

Special diets that restrict what you eat? No way.

And after teaching this method to hundreds of patients, I decided to put it all in a special health manual…

I call it The Part-Time Health Nut: Attain your best health ever — without extreme diets, dangerous pills or brutal workouts.

I want to help people just like you experience perfect health so you can live a full, vibrant life — without crazy diets, tough workouts, surgeries or prescription medications.

The truth is — despite what you hear from the mainstream — dropping fat and achieving optimal health doesn’t require the effort they want you to give, the time they want you to spend…

Or the money they want you to put in their pockets!

You can shed those unwanted pounds… lower your cholesterol and blood pressure… normalize blood sugar… reverse chronic health conditions… and experience optimal health by simply following these ten “Part-Time” steps…

Step #1:
Avoid the protein “gut-wreckers” that are
lurking in your food (even “healthy” foods)!

Has this ever happened to you?

You eat what you thought was a healthy meal, but you soon start to feel lousy…

Your stomach churns with embarrassing gas — which ultimately sends you running to the nearest bathroom with a bad case of diarrhea…

You feel strangely dizzy and fuzzy-headed…

The headache you developed morphs into a brain-splitting migraine…

…and now you have an overwhelming desire for a long nap.

If you have these kinds of symptoms after eating, you may be one of the millions of Americans that have a negative reaction to a group of proteins hidden in many common foods. They can make you feel miserable, but that’s not all they do…

These gut-destroyers also damage the tight junctions of your intestinal lining — letting food and bacteria leak out into your blood stream and trigger autoimmune reactions throughout your body…

…Increasing your risk of inflammation… chronic fatigue… fibromyalgia… psoriasis… ulcerative colitis… rheumatoid arthritis… fertility problems… and more.

You’ll discover more about these harmful proteins in my new guide — The Part-Time Health Nut: Attain your best health ever — without extreme diets, dangerous pills or brutal workouts — including tips for avoiding them so you can improve your health and feel great.

Plus, I reveal...

  • The hidden “chemical” in wheat that damages your gut lining… blocks your body from absorbing crucial vitamin D… and makes it next to impossible to lose weight…
  • The “Mediterranean” oil that can heal intestinal damage — and even fend off arthritis…
  • The occasional, easy detox method that cleans toxins and waste out of your intestines fast — and helps you keep your body and digestion functioning in top form…
  • The important little-known dietary fiber that feeds the good bacteria in your gut — improving your immune system and lowering your risk of intestinal infections… constipation… diabetes… obesity… osteoporosis… and colon cancer…
  • The activity that you’re probably doing right now that increases your risk of colorectal cancer… diabetes… obesity… and cardiovascular disease — and the simple things you can do to lessen your risk for a longer, healthier life…
  • And much more!

Say goodbye to your most annoying health problems — and get up to
4 Special FREE Gifts! Order The Part-Time Health Nut: Attain your best health ever — without extreme diets, dangerous pills or brutal workouts today!

Step #2:
Eat foods that are lower in toxins —
to reduce your body’s toxic burden

Toxic Nation

“I believe that Americans are exposed to a toxic food environment. The word ‘toxic’ is not too strong. There are dangerous agents in the environment that are widely available and that cause people to be sick. Americans have unprecedented access to a poor diet — to high-calorie foods that are widely available, low in cost, heavily promoted, and good tasting. These ingredients produce a predictable, understandable, and inevitable consequence — an epidemic of diet-related diseases.”
—Kelly Brownell,
Ph.D., Dean of the Sanford School of Public Policy at Duke
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The number of chemicals, pesticides and heavy metals in our environment has exploded in recent years. You can now find dangerous toxins in your food, clothing, personal care products, furniture, food storage containers, and more.

Need some proof? Just sit down on your couch when sunlight is streaming into the room. Do you see that puff of dust that comes up?

That’s not dust. That “puff” contains poisonous flame retardants — plus as many as 66 other chemicals that disrupt the way your hormones work — and wreak havoc with your health.

The deodorant you put on this morning… the water you showered in… and the food you ate during the day are all loaded with harmful chemicals and pesticides. These toxic substances have been linked to cancer, Parkinson’s disease, autoimmune disease, endocrine system disruptions, and numerous other chronic health problems.

They make it harder than ever for you to absorb nutrients… lose weight… and stay healthy.

One of the best things you can do to unleash weight loss and boost your overall health is to reduce your toxic load. That’s why I recommend you eat a certain type of food that’s lower in toxins than your typical supermarket foods — and even more delicious. I tell you what it is in my new guide, The Part-Time Health Nut: Attain your best health ever — without extreme diets, dangerous pills or brutal workouts.

Plus, you’ll discover…

  • The easiest way to tell if your organic foods have been contaminated by toxic pesticides or GMOs — so you can get the quality and purity you expect…
  • 14 foods that are loaded with pesticides — and should always be bought organic…
  • The “container toxin” that seeps into your food and beverages — and increases your risk of diabetes, heart disease, obesity and cancer
  • The vitally important nighttime activity that clears toxins and waste out of your body — and helps you lose weight
  • The powerful sprouts that increase elimination of certain toxic air pollutants from your body — so you can lower your risk of cancer and experience better health
  • And much more!

Lower your toxic load and regain your health!
Order The Part-Time Health Nut: Attain your best health ever — without extreme diets, dangerous pills or brutal workouts today — and get up to 4 FREE Gifts!

Step #3:
Get the most nutritional
bang for your buck

Let’s face it… some foods are just more nutritious than others.

If you rate nutrient concentration on a scale of 1 to 100, a cupcake loaded with gooey frosting (unsurprisingly) gets a zero… those processed cheeses that come in single-serving wrappers rate about a 3… and eggs earn a score of just 15.

Even fruit gets a surprisingly low nutritional rating of 50.

That’s not exactly encouraging news if you’re trying to give your body the nutrients it needs to get healthy!

But there is one type of food that gets a perfect score. It’s loaded with nutrients that

Low-Fat Products Protect Your Heart and Help You Lose Weight, Right? WRONG!

Yes, low-fat foods are lower in fat. But there are two problems:

1) The fat they contain is usually the unhealthy kind.

2) They’re loaded with sugar or artificial sweeteners to make them taste better.

The high sugar content wreaks havoc with your metabolism — and makes it hard for you to lose weight. And researchers can find no proof that low-fat products lower your risk of heart disease.

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  • Improve blood clotting…
  • Strengthen your bones
  • Reduce your cholesterol levels
  • Lower your risk of cardiovascular disease…
  • Boost your vision — and reduce your risk of cataracts…
  • Increase your energy
  • Lower your risk of developing cancer…
  • And more!

In my new guide, The Part-Time Health Nut: Attain your best health ever — without extreme diets, dangerous pills or brutal workouts, I reveal the identity of this nutrient-maxing, miracle food so you can start including it in your diet and reaping its benefits. Plus, you’ll discover…

  • The REAL reason you can never eat just one potato chip or cookie — and it has nothing to do with your supposed lack of willpower…
  • The remarkable nut oil that helps reduce your cholesterol and improves the performance of your blood vessel walls — so you can lower your risk of heart disease…
  • The “healthy fats” diet that gives you a leaner body… lower heart disease risk… and could even add years to your life…
  • How consuming sugary foods and drinks tricks your brain into desiring more junk food and sodas — and how this can lead to insulin resistance and even diabetes…
  • The amazing oil you should drizzle on your salads to bring your blood pressure down
  • And much more!

Order The Part-Time Health Nut: Attain your best health ever — without extreme diets, dangerous pills or brutal workouts for easy tips to optimize your health—plus, get up to 4 Special FREE Gifts!

Step #4:
Don’t forget to eat your sulfur

If I just made you think of rotten eggs… sorry.

But sulfur is so much more than something that smells bad. This mineral just happens to be responsible for hundreds of important functions in your body, including…

  • Creating glutathione — which is the “master” antioxidant and detoxifier that traps and eliminates all the bad things in your body — including free radicals and toxic heavy metals like mercury and aluminum…
  • Manufacturing insulin — for normal, healthy blood sugar…
  • Producing taurine — the substance you need for the proper functioning of your cardiovascular system, muscles, and nervous system…
  • Resisting bacteria that could make you sick…
  • Smoothing away wrinkles by maintaining your skin’s structural integrity…
  • Improving joint strength and flexibility by developing healthy connective tissue…
  • And more!

In my new guide, The Part-Time Health Nut: Attain your best health ever — without extreme diets, dangerous pills or brutal workouts, I reveal the delicious and nutritious foods that give you ample amounts of this vital mineral naturally — so you can boost your immune system… improve your cardiovascular health… normalize your blood sugar… and even look younger!

Plus, you’ll discover…

  • The tasty sprouts you should include on your salads to lower your risk of many types of cancer… prevent asthma… and help your lungs fight off the effects of air pollution…
  • The bittersweet treat that boosts your brain health… lightens your mood… lowers inflammation… improves cholesterol and blood pressure… aids in weight loss… and even helps you have less dental plaque…
  • The tropical cancer-fighting fruit that defends against breast and colon cancers… leukemia… and lung and prostate cancers…
  • The healthy nut that supports your weight loss efforts — and even helps lower your cholesterol…
  • The popular sweetener you should avoid — that creates more fat cells in your belly and makes them less able to respond to insulin — making it more likely you’ll develop diabetes…
  • And much more!

Eating “right” is easier than you think!
Order The Part-Time Health Nut: Attain your best health ever —
without extreme diets, dangerous pills or brutal workouts
today — and get up to 4 FREE Gifts!

Step #5:
Eat the colors of the rainbow

No, I’m not talking about that popular candy called Skittles. And I’m certainly not suggesting you eat (or drink) anything loaded with artificial food dyes — like Kool-Aid, Froot Loops cereal and Jell-O.

The bright, synthetic dyes in our foods have been proven to cause hyperactivity in children — and they’re downright hazardous to your health. For example…

  • Blue 2 was linked in studies to a statistically significant incidence of tumors in male rats — especially in the brain.
  • Green 3 was found to increase bladder and testes tumors in male rats in clinical tests.
  • Red 3 was classified as thyroid carcinogen by the FDA in 1990 — but it’s still being used in drugs and food.
  • Red 40 — the most widely-used dye — triggered immune system tumors in mice.
  • Yellow 6 caused adrenal tumors in lab animals.

The “rainbow of colors” that I’m referring to are not artificial or dangerous. They come to you straight from nature.

In fact, the deeper and more vibrant the color, the more antioxidants — and the more health benefits you can experience.

In my new guide, The Part-Time Health Nut: Attain your best health ever — without extreme diets, dangerous pills or brutal workouts, I’ll reveal the delicious, colorful, health-restoring foods you should be eating — to fight off dangerous free radicals… boost your immunity… and improve your overall health. Plus, you’ll discover…

  • The powerful substance found in broccoli that fights cancer… defends against skin diseases… and boosts your immune system…
  • The small, round berry that protects against heart disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and cancer — and boosts brain function at the same time…
  • The popular drink that destroys your teeth as effectively as a meth habit — and makes it more likely you’ll gain weight…
  • The ancient Chinese “sugar” that’s 250 — 300 times sweeter than conventional sugar — and has lots of nutrients, including vitamin C….
  • The “good-for-you” salt that contains beneficial nutrients — and lets you flavor your food without guilt or worry…
  • And much more!

Eating healthy and losing weight doesn’t have to be hard.
Order The Part-Time Health Nut: Attain your best health ever —
without extreme diets, dangerous pills or brutal workouts
— and get up to 4 FREE Gifts!

Step #6:
Get your dinner WITHOUT
antibiotics on the side

Did you know that most of the meat you eat is full of antibiotics?

Now you may be thinking that industrial farmers give their animals antibiotics to improve their health — but nothing could be further from the truth. Years ago, scientists discovered that loading animals up with this type of drug boosts their growth. And what do bigger livestock bring?

Bigger profits.

The problem is… antibiotics are already the most overprescribed and overused drug in America. I know some doctors who write a prescription for them even if they’re not needed — just because the patient insists.

Unfortunately, the result of consuming too many antibiotics — both in pill form and in our foods — is antibiotic resistance.

This condition already sickens more than two million Americans annually — and the situation promises to get worse as more and more bacteria becomes resistant to our current antibiotics.

In my new guide, The Part-Time Health Nut: Attain your best health ever — without extreme diets, dangerous pills or brutal workouts, you’ll discover what to look for on labels — to ensure that you’re getting antibiotic-free, GMO-free meats that are loaded with healthy, good-for-you fats.

Plus, I reveal…

  • Four easy things you can do to protect your cardiovascular system — and reduce your chance of dying from heart-related diseases…
  • The healthy fats in fish that support the neural networks in your brain — keeping your memory sharp and your mental abilities at high capacity…
  • Why grilling or frying your meat raises your risk of heart disease — and can even cause cancer! What to do instead…
  • Struggling with high blood pressure or diabetes? A cupful of THIS a day keeps the hypertension away — and helps keep your blood sugar from spiking at the same time…
  • Shocking reason why vegetable oil — like safflower oil — is worse for your heart health than eating lard — and may even increase your risk of cardiovascular disease…
  • And much more!

Get the blueprint you need for easy weight loss and improved health.
Order The Part-Time Health Nut: Attain your best health ever —
without extreme diets, dangerous pills or brutal workouts

and get up to 4 FREE Gifts!

Step #7:
Feed your thyroid the nutrients it needs —
and shed those unwanted pounds fast

If you’ve tried everything to lose weight and have had zero success, your thyroid may be to blame.

The Surprising Benefits of that Morning Cup of Coffee

Studies have found that coffee drinkers may have a lower risk of diabetes… oral, breast and liver cancer… heart failure and stroke… and memory problems. Plus, they have better blood flow.

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This butterfly-shaped gland sits on your neck — right above your collar bone. It produces hormones (including T3 and T4) that stimulate your metabolism — and help you maintain a healthy weight.

Well, that’s the ideal, anyway. You run into trouble when you have too little thyroid hormones. Your body becomes unable to metabolize your food properly.

And that can lead to unwanted weight gain, fatigue, muscle cramps, joint pain, constipation, and more.

The good news is… you can boost your thyroid health with one essential trace element — iodine.

Iodine controls the functioning of your thyroid gland… supports the production of thyroid hormones… and boosts your metabolism — so you can finally lose weight. Plus, it helps your body remove toxins and use minerals like calcium and silicon more effectively.

In my new guide, The Part-Time Health Nut: Attain your best health ever — without extreme diets, dangerous pills or brutal workouts, I reveal an important source of iodine that comes straight from the ocean. This “sea vegetable” is an easy addition to any diet and makes it simple to get the iodine your body needs — so you can maintain a healthy weight.

Plus, you’ll discover…

  • The popular olive oil-rich diet that limits the inflammation of rheumatoid arthritis — and makes your joints more flexible and comfortable…
  • The dangerous toxic compound that’s formed when unsaturated vegetable oils are heated — and how it increases your risk of atherosclerosis, stroke, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, Huntington's and liver diseases…
  • Four simple things you can start doing today to reduce your risk of high blood pressure by two-thirds…
  • The amazing amino acids… healthy drinks… phytonutrient extracts… and other supplements that help prevent Parkinson’s disease — and help you enjoy a healthy neurological system…
  • The three greatest threats to your healthy eating plan — that can lead to binges 50% of the time…
  • And much more!

Discover what nutrients you need for optimal health.
Order The Part-Time Health Nut: Attain your best health ever — without extreme diets, dangerous pills or brutal workouts
and get up to 4 FREE Gifts!

Step #8:
Dish up some “animal superfoods”
a few times a month

Few folks in the Western world eat this kind of food anymore, which is a shame — because it’s the most nutrient-rich meat on the planet.

Our ancestors thrived on it — and used it to support the health of their organs. It was considered so nutritious and so desirable that ancient societies would reserve it for their most important members.

They instinctively knew that this meaty superfood was loaded with nutrients — including high quality protein… vitamin B complex (including B12 and folic acid)… minerals (such as a highly bioavailable form of iron)… omega-3 fats… CoQ10… vitamins D, E, A and K2… amino acids… and more.

It’s an amazing health-booster — but you probably haven’t eaten it since you were a child. Frankly, it’s time to bring it back to the dinner table again.

In my new guide, The Part-Time Health Nut: Attain your best health ever — without extreme diets, dangerous pills or brutal workouts, I reveal the identity of this protein powerhouse — so you can start reaping the same health benefits from it that your ancestors did.

Plus, you’ll discover…

  • Why eating more protein can help you lose 22% MORE fat than you would otherwise — and helps you cut your risk of diabetes… heart disease… and binge eating…
  • The fatty acid that helps your body create nerve tissue… keeps your mind sharp… and helps you learn faster and retain more…
  • The amazing amino acid that acts like an antioxidant to reverse the disease process of Alzheimer’s dementia — working 2.8 times better than a placebo in studies…
  • The whole foods diet that lowers risk of cardiovascular disease far better than the popularly-prescribed low fat diet — even though it’s quite high in fats…
  • The fishy remedy that eases your nerves in stressful situations… lowers your heart rate… quells inflammation… and protects against Alzheimer’s disease…
  • And much more!

Find out how easy it is to lose weight and boost your health!
Order The Part-Time Health Nut: Attain your best health ever —
without extreme diets, dangerous pills or brutal workouts

and get up to 4 FREE gifts!

Step #9:
Get stress under control —
and put healing into high gear

If a simple mental activity would help you to switch off your worries… relieve stress… and allow your body to heal…

…Would you do it?

How Bad is High Fructose Corn Syrup, Really?

High fructose corn syrup has been proven to…

  • Boost your risk for arthritis, cancer, heart disease, liver disease and gout.
  • Skyrocket your “bad” LDL cholesterol.
  • Increase your blood fats (triglycerides).
  • Send your blood pressure soaring.
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Numerous studies have shown that this “mind exercise” helps…

  • Lower your respiratory rate and decrease oxygen consumption — even better than a good night’s sleep…
  • Reduce blood pressure by increasing circulation and slowing heart rate…
  • Soothe away muscle tension and headaches
  • Improve moods with boosted serotonin production…
  • Boosts immunity
  • And more!

Plus, it’s easy for anyone to do — and only takes a few minutes of your time.

In my new guide, The Part-Time Health Nut: Attain your best health ever — without extreme diets, dangerous pills or brutal workouts, you’ll discover the unique role this stress-buster plays in boosting your cardiovascular health — and even protecting you from a fatal heart attack.

I’ll also reveal…

  • The alternative to High Fructose Corn Syrup that’s loaded with minerals and antioxidants — which makes it both sweet and nutritious…
  • Think eating sugar is just bad for your waistline? Discover the many surprising ways it harms your heart — and skyrockets your risk of cardiovascular disease…
  • The popular cooking oil that’s been linked in studies to obesity, insulin resistance, pancreatic inflammation, colon cancer and diabetes — and it may be on your pantry shelf right now…
  • The fruity after-meal treat that lowers insulin resistance… reduces your risk of diabetes… soothes inflammation — and protects you from developing obesity, heart disease and cancer…
  • The vitamin/mineral combo that gave postmenopausal women in studies more of the desirable HDL cholesterol and less of the harmful LDL cholesterol — and lowered their risk of heart disease…
  • And much more!

Get easy, natural ways to relieve stress and improve your health!
Order The Part-Time Health Nut: Attain your best health ever — without extreme diets, dangerous pills or brutal workouts today — and get 4 special FREE gifts!

Step #10:
Kick the couch potato habit —
and live a longer, healthier life

Did you know that the longer you sit the greater your risk of death?

An Australian study found that people who sit and watch television for more than four hours a day have an 80% greater risk of dying from heart disease — and a 46% greater chance of dying from all causes.

And the less you move, the worse it gets…

Researchers discovered that folks who are “sedentary” for seven or more hours a day have a 100% greater chance of dying from cardiovascular disease — and a 47% greater risk of dying from all causes.

Surprisingly, if you’re one of those sedentary people, adding a daily exercise routine doesn’t get you completely off the hook. You would still have a 61% greater risk of dying from heart disease — and a 22% greater chance of dying from all causes.

So what are you supposed to do if you have a job or a hobby that keeps you sitting for long periods of time?

In my new guide, The Part-Time Health Nut: Attain your best health ever — without extreme diets, dangerous pills or brutal workouts, you’ll discover the simplest way to reverse the risk of dying before your time. Plus, I reveal how you can get the right kind of exercise to rev up your metabolism… lose weight… and lower your risk of heart disease and other chronic illness.

You’ll also discover…

Bread is WORSE Than a Snickers Bar?

According to cardiologist William Davis, grains (yes, even whole grains) increase your blood sugar more than table sugar — and even more than a Snickers bar! That causes blood sugar fluctuations… mood swings… and a higher risk of diabetes.

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  • The one active thing you can do to lower your risk of death from heart disease — by a whopping 84%...
  • The ancient exercise routine that reduces pain… improves balance… drops blood pressure… and improves fitness — all without you even breaking a sweat…
  • How to boost your natural metabolism and burn more fat — while you work at your desk in the office…
  • The super, nitrate-containing vegetable juice that keeps your arteries supple — and makes it easier for them to dilate for improved blood flow…
  • Enjoy a “bunch” of this delicious fruit to decrease pain and stiffness in arthritic joints — and start enjoying a more active, fulfilling lifestyle again…
  • The Breakfast of Champions: The types of foods you should eat in the morning to control your blood sugar… reduce insulin release… and lower your risk of diabetes…
  • And much more!

Get “full-time” results with The Part-Time Health Nut: Attain your best health ever — without extreme diets, dangerous pills or brutal workouts! Order your copy today — and get up to 4 FREE gifts!

But the best news of all is…

As part of this Special Introductory Offer…

You get The Part-Time Health Nut: Attain your best health ever — without extreme diets, dangerous pills or brutal workouts for HALF PRICE!

As I hope you’ve come to realize, you don’t have to punish yourself with strict diets and brutal exercise programs to lose weight and regain health.

There are simple things you can do to make immediate and lasting improvements to your health. And I want to help you get started today.

That’s why I’ve made special arrangements with my publisher to get my new guide, The Part-Time Health Nut: Attain your best health ever — without extreme diets, dangerous pills or brutal workouts, into your hands for just $39.95. (That’s 50% off the cover price of $79.90!)

Save BIG when you order The Part-Time Health Nut: Attain your best health ever — without extreme diets, dangerous pills or brutal workouts today—and get the tools you need for optimal health!

But that’s not all…

You receive Three Special Gifts

I want to help you lose weight… reverse illness… and experience optimal health — safely and naturally.

That’s why I decided to include three special FREE gifts with your purchase of The Part-Time Health Nut: Attain your best health ever — without extreme diets, dangerous pills or brutal workouts — to give you the tools you need to achieve the good health you want and deserve.

FREE GIFT #1Balancing Body Chemistry: How Reducing Acid Can Unleash Abundant Energy and Healing — a $39.95 value, FREE!

You’ve probably seen the destructive effects of strong acid. But did you know that harmful acid can also build up inside your body — and make you more vulnerable to chronic problems like heart disease, cancer, obesity, diabetes and arthritis?

In this breakthrough health report, I reveal more about this hidden health-destroyer and give you simple, natural ways to make your body more alkaline — so you can supercharge your health. You’ll discover…

  • Medical Shocker: 60% of type 1 diabetes — and 100% of type 2 diabetes — can be reversed simply by making this change to your diet…
  • The little-known link between osteoporosis and too much acid in the body — and the best ways to boost alkalinity to protect and strengthen your bones
  • How baking soda improves your chances of resuscitation after a cardiac arrest — and boosts your odds of surviving a heart stoppage
  • The two most acidifying (and popular) ingredients in the typical American diet — and how they wreak havoc with your immune system and make you gain weight…
  • A batch of delicious, easy-to-make recipes to help you neutralize health-damaging acid… lose weight… and feel better than you have in a long time…
  • And much more!

FREE GIFT #2The Gluten Shocker: Restore Your Health by Avoiding the Sneaky Sources Manufacturers Use to Snare You in their Gluten Trap — a $39.95 value, FREE!

Bread is the cornerstone of the American diet. But bread — as well as anything made with wheat like pasta and even soy sauce — has a dark secret. It’s no longer the bread your mother ate.

It contains super-gluten that’s making millions of Americans sick — inflicting them with bloating, stomach aches, headaches, fatigue, brain fog and even life-threatening autoimmune disorders... but puts millions into the pockets of America’s biggest food manufacturers.

In this must-read health exposé, I reveal the true, destructive nature of this emerging health dilemma — and I give you the simple steps you need to finally eliminate gluten from your diet once and for all and restore your digestive system and your health.

You’ll discover…

  • The gluten-triggered disease that increases your risk of developing autoimmune disorders like lupus by as much as 34%—and why your doctor may unknowingly overlook it ...
  • Got osteoporosis? Why you need to be checked for celiac disease immediately — and what you need to do to protect the health and strength of your bones...
  • The toxic protein molecule in modern wheat that did not exist in the grain of our ancestors — and how it’s skyrocketed incidences of intestinal damage and celiac disease over the past 50 years…
  • Do you have headaches, stomach aches, and other mystery symptoms that your doctor can’t explain? What you should try giving up for a week or two to discover the culprit behind your health problems…
  • How to enjoy healthy, delicious, well-balanced meals on a gluten-free diet — and feel great without feeling deprived
  • And much more!

FREE GIFT #3Amazingly Simple Solutions to Great Health — a $19.95 value, FREE!

Most folks rely on prescriptions from their doctor to stay healthy. But the pharmaceutical industry isn’t in the business of making you well. It makes money when you’re sick — and it would like you to be on drugs for a lifetime.

There are better, safer, more natural ways to protect your health — and reverse a wide number of chronic conditions. That’s why I’ve written this special health report. Within its pages, you’ll discover…

  • The body-charging nutrient that boosts your heart health… normalizes your blood pressure… increases your energy levels… combats memory loss… and protects your body from free radical damage…
  • The amazing artery-scrubber that binds to life-threatening plaque and cholesterol deposits on the walls of your blood vessels — and safely whisks it away…
  • The powerful cholesterol-helper that raises your good HDL cholesterol levels better than Lipitor — and also helps reduce inflammation… prevent hardening of your arteries… improve insulin response… and lower risk of obesity…
  • The statin drug-alternative that works like gangbusters to lower bad LDL cholesterol — and increase HDL cholesterol — while also helping to prevent chronic fatigue… lessen risk of clotting… and improve energy levels…
  • The memory-boosting brain food that has been proven in studies to improve brain power and put the brakes on memory loss. Plus, it helps slow aging… boost your overall moods… and increase your ability to deal with anxiety and stress…
  • And much more!

Finally lose weight and improve your health!
Get The Part-Time Health Nut: Attain your best health ever — without extreme diets, dangerous pills or brutal workouts today!


If you order
The Part-Time Health Nut: Attain your best health ever — without extreme diets, dangerous pills or brutal workouts today October 28, 2024, you’ll receive a FREE Fast Response Bonus!

That’s right…

If you act today, I’ll send you one additional free gift…

FAST RESPONSE BONUSHow Foods Drain Your Memory — a $9.95 value, FREE!

Regardless of what you may have heard, memory loss and brain “glitches” do not have to be a normal part of aging.

In this must-have Fast Response Bonus report, you’ll discover…

  • The “Mediterranean” oil that helps your mind stay sharper and younger longer…
  • The increasingly common blood sugar problem that actually causes the critical “learning” part of your brain to shrink — and wreaks havoc with your memory
  • Why you should toss any products containing Aspartame (or NutraSweet) into the trash — before this dangerous sweetener steals your memory and your health…
  • Do you eat these dangerous fats? You are unknowingly boosting your risk of memory problems — and even Alzheimer’s disease…
  • The “sunshine” vitamin that boosts brain function — and reduces your risk of diseases linked to dementia…
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By taking advantage of this special offer and ordering The Part-Time Health Nut: Attain your best health ever — without extreme diets, dangerous pills or brutal workouts today, you get $149.75 in savings and FREE gifts, but that’s not all…

Are You a “Soda Addict”?

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Yours for Healthy Living,

Michael Cutler, M.D.
Editor, Easy Health Digest™

P.S. Don’t forget! Place your order today and receive the Fast Response Bonus: How Foods Drain Your Memory — a $9.95 value, FREE! But it’s only available if you order TODAY, so go ahead and place your order for The Part-Time Health Nut: Attain your best health ever — without extreme diets, dangerous pills or brutal workouts right now.

P.P.S. Don’t like to read a lot? You can open almost any page of my guide, and find a The Part-Time Health Nut ‘health tip’ for quick and easy reference! Feeling better has never been easier! So get started today!

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