Yale, New England Journal of Medicine, Centers for Disease Control and American Heart Association staggered!
Slash Your Risk of Stroke…
Stop Sudden Cardiac Death — and
drop Heart Disease risk by 400%!
We’re at the very beginning of… a scientific advance.
— Walter Kernan, M.D., Yale University School of Medicine
The study was presented recently at the American Heart Association’s International Stroke Conference
And it was published simultaneously in the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine.
No fewer than 528 of the leading heart researchers in the world collaborated.
They came from Yale University, Oxford University, The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, Brown University, and the University of Heidelberg, Germany.
But even though they were all experienced… very knowledgeable… internationally recognized experts, even…
They were all stunned when simply restoring function to a unique control switch inside your body dropped stroke risk by a staggering 24 percent.1
The Centers for Disease Control and the American Heart Association admit the connection between this switch and heart disease is a strong one: 2,3
- A staggering 65% of deaths among people with diabetes are because of this connection…
- If this switch is not working right, you could be up to 4 times more likely to develop heart disease…
The good news is you have the power to revitalize this unique switch so that it reverses heart disease instead… wiping out that 400% increased risk.
Unfortunately, modern medicine does not know how to accomplish this for you.
They simply stand by as people drop dead.
I’m not exaggerating.
Have you heard of "sudden cardiac death"?
It’s every bit as scary as it sounds because it strikes without warning.
No symptoms.
Well, the National Institute of Public Health in Finland looked at people whose control switch was not working right.
These people had a 220% greater chance of sudden cardiac death.4
And medicine has no cure. In fact, they make it worse.
As usual, they’ve been looking in the wrong place.
It took NASA decades… but it finally uncovered this simple heart cure
Since the early days of the Apollo program, scientists knew that extended space travel accelerates the aging process, especially the heart.
For NASA astronauts, their hearts were aging so fast it was noticeable.
No one could put their finger on why.
Why did the astronauts’ hearts become weak and tired?
Why did they lose bone and muscle in outer space?
They often don’t feel like eating up there. They have numbness and tingling…
I don’t know about you, but those sound like stroke and heart attack symptoms to me…
I mean, these astronauts would get so weak they would struggle to do any work at all.
Scientists saw that the heart works less efficiently during space travel, too.
They were shocked to find out that astronauts’ cardiovascular systems age about 10 times faster than normal.
But, as soon as they discovered this "NASA heart cure," scientists realized they were looking in the wrong place for the problem.
Now, NASA’s doctors are forced to admit that this heart cure can help anyone, not just astronauts.
70% of adults have this same problem here on earth… causing an explosion of heart disease.
What does NASA know that you don’t?
What is the missing piece that solved NASA’s heart puzzle?
Flush heart disease out of your body quickly
Conventional medicine does NOT want you to know what it is.
They only want you to take their synthetic drug as a band-aid.
Sure, it helps reset your control switch each time you take it.
Then it flips back off. So you have to take more.
Like those outlets in your kitchen when the power goes off?
You push the button, it clicks back off.
Why do we let them prescribe us drugs that do this?
Instead, I can show you how to fix this unique switch for good… and do it easily, safely, naturally and without drugs.
By the end of this letter, you’ll be shocked you were never told this.
You might even get mad.
What’s worse is, the heart disease epidemic has been caused by the very things we were told make life better… modern food and our modern lifestyle…
But by no means is heart disease the only chronic condition triggered by this unique switch going haywire.
Cancer, too?
Have a look at a collaborative study from Harvard University, Oxford University and Cambridge…
They found that when this switch is not working right you have a 29% greater risk for thyroid cancer.
New research out of the Cleveland Clinic shows it is a major cause of deadly endometrial cancer
And research from Johns Hopkins School of Medicine also proves the cancer connection. Doctors there found that people who have a dysfunctional control switch were 127% more likely to die from any cancer.
It could also leave you:
- 409% more likely to die from stomach cancer
- 294% more likely to die from liver cancer
- 310% more likely to die from prostate cancer
Unless you fix this problem sooner rather than later, you have a higher risk for breast cancer, too.
What is standard medicine doing to us?
After all, the unique control switch I am talking about…
The master control hormone that can flush cancer from your body and reverse the risk for almost every type of heart trouble…
Is insulin.
Before you stop reading and say, "Oh, I don’t have diabetes," I have some news for you.
You’re not going to believe me when I tell you this.
Yep… those drug makers in their ivory towers are going to make you mad all over again…
Medicine is clueless
about the power of insulin
to beat ALL disease
Let me explain…
When it comes to chronic "diseases" (which are really just conditions), standard "sick care" is to treat each one separately… often with unnecessary surgeries and toxic drugs.
Standard medicine treats diabetes the same way. The doctor says, "Here, inject this synthetic insulin and I’ll see you at your next visit!"
But what they don’t tell you is that insulin dysfunction is the trigger behind most of the chronic diseases we have today…
- Heart disease… (it’s not cholesterol)
- Osteoporosis… (it’s not from lack of calcium)
- Vision loss… (it’s not because you’re getting old)
- Diabetes… (it’s not just about blood sugar)
- Alzheimer’s… (why do you think researchers are starting
to call it "type III diabetes?")… and most importantly…
- Cancer
The truth is not found in drugs.
But whenever new evidence comes out that Big Pharma and mainstream medicine are wrong…
Whenever their sick-care profit machine might be disrupted…
They cover up… They double down… They try to make sure you never hear the truth.
I’m ready to put a stop to all this madness, and that’s why I’m writing to you today…
To let you in on the real hidden truth behind preventing and curing ALL disease.
This could be the single most important
disease-destroying revelation — EVER
In helping many patients for over 20 years in clinical and family practice, I’ve come to realize the importance behind fixing the body’s master controlling hormone within your body… more commonly known as insulin.
Mainstream medicine continues to undervalue properly functioning insulin, and pigeonhole it into a single disease — diabetes…
You’ll soon see why this approach is not in your best interest.
If you want to give your health a huge boost…
Prevent chronic disease from taking over your body…
And even cure a chronic condition you already have, allow me to show you how to take advantage of this stunning revelation.
Mainstream medicine and Big Pharma don’t want you to hear all this… they’re enjoying the obscene profits from their endless approach to treating individual disease symptoms.
I know there is a much better way to naturally prevent and cure chronic conditions.
In fact I’ve developed a disease-destroying protocol to help you…
Triumph over heart disease
Research from Harvard, Johns Hopkins, Oxford, and The National Academy of Sciences prove you can use my new master protocol to:
- Turn Your Body into a Supercharged Anti-Cancer Machine
- Shut Off One Disease-Causing Mediator Before it’s Too Late
- Focus on the Single Misunderstood Factor for Perfect Health
- Use the Most Effective Cellular Shield on the Planet
This breakthrough provides a wake-up call to your body, all the way down to your DNA…
An international analysis by researchers at MD Anderson Cancer Center, the University of Cambridge (UK), and the National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, stunned everyone when it revealed that…
People who have dysfunctional insulin have a 35% greater risk of getting cancer because it shortens telomeres, the caps at the end of your DNA.
That means when insulin isn’t working right, you are more prone to all diseases, even cancer. Your risk of…
- Digestive cancer jumps to a concerning 69%
- Urogenital cancer (including prostate) soars to an unbelievable 73%
- Bladder cancer hurdles to a scary 84%
- Smoking-related cancers spike to a frightening 125%
- Lung cancer skyrockets off the charts at 139%
Turns out… insulin is responsible for shielding your DNA, protecting your genetic data, and making it possible for your cells to divide.
I don’t know about you, but I would have wanted to know that about insulin.
I would want to know it’s not about diabetes, but heart disease, cancer, and aging.
Yep, it ages you faster.
If your DNA goes unshielded, your body’s ability to perform deteriorates to the point where your cells stop working correctly and it triggers diseases of aging.
I unearthed the culprit to all this buried under an avalanche of medical studies, starting with another study from the Harvard Medical School…
In a case-control study (424 controls, 432 cases) I found in the journal Translational Research, Harvard researchers discovered that your master control switch is associated with a certain type of dysfunctional metabolic mediator.
But if you fix insulin to protect your cells and DNA… you can cancer-proof your body…
And Harvard wasn’t the only place this disease connection appeared…
Research from Women’s College Hospital, Toronto, Canada, showed in a 5-year study with 38,000 women, that those with a faulty control switch had much higher risks of advanced stage breast cancer than women who had normal function.
They were…
- 14% more likely to have Stage II breast cancer
- 21% more likely to have Stage III
- 16% more likely to have Stage IV
Another international study I uncovered in the journal Endocrine Related Cancer showed how your pancreatic cancer risk could spike as much as 115%… depending on how dysfunctional insulin happened to be.
An unpopular disease cure
What I’m revealing to you won’t make me one of the most popular physicians with mainstream medicine…
But if Big Pharma and the FDA had their way, you’d never hear about this.
Don’t you have the right to know about this and all treatment options available to you?
I believe you absolutely do…
Especially, if there’s a way to prevent disease by totally reversing years of bad health advice including the wrong food, the wrong exercise, and the wrong treatments by misinformed doctors.
And you should definitely have been told that — if you fix your insulin — it could ward off almost ALL disease.
That’s why I’m reaching out to you today.
After years of research, what I uncovered will help you heart disease-proof your body… really turn your body into a supercharged vitality machine against any heart condition.
This comes from years of experience in my family practice and extensive research I uncovered. I truly believe you can…
Triumph over heart disease
and enjoy a long healthy life
After doing my research and seeing patients for years, I knew I needed to put everything I had learned and experienced in one place.
So I created a guide you can use for a lifetime. A long, healthy lifetime. Sure, there are books about how insulin affects diabetes and how to treat the symptoms… but those are a small piece of the puzzle.
No one caught on that insulin is much bigger than that… or what to do about it.
And that’s why I decided to put together my own total solution together in a new guide, The Insulin Factor: How to Repair Your Body’s Master Controller and Conquer Chronic Disease.
Because it’s about more than just "insulin" and "blood sugar" and everything else the mainstream has told you.
There’s so much more you need to know to stay healthy and prevent chronic diseases as you age.
Let me give you one sneak peek…
How to fix it so you don’t go blind
If your insulin continues to malfunction over a period of time (around five years), eye complications could happen to you at an alarming rate.
Your risk of glaucoma increases by 40%… cataract risk increases by 60%… you would go blind. I’m sure you’ll agree… your sight is precious.
Move to an exotic island to snuffout Alzheimer’s or…
The beautiful island of Ikaria off Greece… the exotic island of Bali in Indonesia… the Japanese island of Okinawa…
These stunning island locations have a few things in common…
One, their populations defy normal longevity stats… a large portion of the people live to 100 or more.
Two, dementia is rare and Alzheimer’s is virtually non-existent.
Third, the inhabitants of these islands stay active well into their senior years.
You already know about our Greek friend, Stamatis, who came home years ago to Ikaria to be cured. Well into his late 90s, Stamatis was tending to his hundreds of olive trees, harvesting olive oil, and producing about 700 liters of red wine a year.
So, what’s staying active got to do with it?
A Cambridge University discovered that people who were the most socially active had a 70% slower rate of cognitive decline.
Without even realizing it, the people of Ikaria, Bali, and Okinawa have perfect insulin function and fight off Alzheimer’s by staying active.
But mainstream medicine and Big Pharma don’t "see" it that way. They are going to fight the exclusive natural protocol I developed tooth and nail.
Not only do they want to protect their profit-making machine, but many drugs they prescribe add even more to your pain and suffering…
Big Pharma causing the problem?
Pharmaceutical drugs, those synthetic chemicals meant to treat your diseases, impair insulin. That’s right…
Big Pharma loves it when you get "hooked" on prescription drugs because many of them put you into a vicious cycle. They treat a symptom with drugs… and side effects of the drug trigger adverse effects on your insulin.
When your insulin gets out of whack, your risk of chronic disease (like cancer) only increases.
So, the very drugs Big Pharma wants you take to treat a disease symptom can…
- Increase your risk of making the disease worse, and…
- Spike your chances of developing another chronic condition, and…
- Trigger even more pain and suffering!
Any wonder we’re not gaining any ground on chronic disease?
This vicious drug cycle is spiraling out of control by fueling the very thing it’s supposed to cure.
I certainly would not be bringing all this up if there wasn’t a proven solution.
And in my mind that solution is quite simple… focus on natural ways to master your insulin naturally, without insanely expensive drugs.
So, how do you do that?
Click here to get The Insulin Factor: How to Repair Your Body’s Master Controller and Conquer Chronic Disease —
and two FREE gifts today!
Stunning breakthrough from centenarians
Despite the increase of chronic disease, more people around the world are living to age 100 or beyond.
At the same time, it’s important to note that most people don’t want to live that long.
Because most people who live to be very old, some of whom I have seen in my practice, are not necessarily enjoying the good life.
People want to be happy, active, and free from pain, chronic illness, and prescription drugs.
But, in many places around the world where people do live a long life, they do indeed live very healthy lives well into their golden years.
So, is there anything these ageless wonders have in common?
During one of his many lectures back in 1999, a colleague of mine, Dr. Ron Rosedale, disclosed some eye-opening information about major centenarian studies ongoing at the time.
These studies were searching for the variable (or variables) that could be acknowledged as the silver bullet behind why these people lived to at least 100.
Amazingly, what was discovered was that these folks didn’t have all that much in common with one another. Some even smoked… others didn’t exercise all that much… and some didn’t have the calmest of dispositions.
The one, key common denominator that all the centenarians in scientific studies appear to have is well-balanced and under control insulin…
Click here to get The Insulin Factor: How to Repair Your Body’s Master Controller and Conquer Chronic Disease —
and two FREE gifts today!
Simple Steps to End
Needless Pain and Suffering
Here are just a few of the easy ways you can have perfect insulin that I’ll guide you through in The Insulin Factor.
- Supercharge insulin’s power to heal — There’s a nutrient so powerful for healthy insulin they give it to astronauts to defend their DNA in space. I identify the readily available natural sources and foods you need to get this "stellar" insulin-boosting nutrient.
- Avoid the trap of hidden disease-causing chemicals — I’ll show you what to do to avoid them and how that keeps your master hormone, insulin, in balance.
- Drop your risk of almost every disease — The one secret, created over 80 years ago, that’s best for safeguarding your insulin function. I provide you with three unique examples and where to go to get started.
Get a 70% better brain — Enhance your brainpower and possibly slash your dementia risk by 50%… plus, eight specific "bad guys" to avoid for a faster brain. All of these help balance your master hormone!
- Repair your "bioblasts" and solve your energy crisis — Three groups of delicious high-energy foods that can jump start your cellular batteries and protect your master hormone. At the same time, I’ll guide you on what insulin-harming foods you must avoid.
Those are just the tip of the iceberg of what you’ll learn when you follow my easy steps in The Insulin Factor.
I’ve witnessed firsthand how patients in my practice have literally turned their lives around when they repaired and balanced their insulin with my protocol…
You can do it, too.
Secrets forbidden from you by the mainstream…
And how you can put them to use right away!
Sometimes you just need to help your body heal itself naturally…
The Insulin Factor will guide you through just how to do all that.
There are so many "forbidden" secrets in this book mainstream medicine does not want you to know about…
Exclusive secrets you can take advantage of to rejuvenate the function of your master hormone and start living the active and disease-free life you’ve dreamed of…
- Mainstream medicine’s blunder you need to ignore for a life without disease
- The misunderstood secret to stopping chronic disease dead in its tracks
- The surefire way to protect your sight and keep from going blind
- The forgotten nutrient that shields you against cancer, leukemia, & heart disease
- Throw these drinks in the trash to prevent a "fatty" heart
- Control these silent killers to boost insulin function and snuff out cancer
- How to stay ahead of the "cancer game" by avoiding Big Pharma’s playbook
- Empower insulin when you flush common toxins out of your body
- Why getting a good night’s sleep is critical for insulin
- Why you need to take action now to take control of your insulin
Click here to get The Insulin Factor: How to Repair Your Body’s Master Controller and Conquer Chronic Disease —
and two FREE gifts today!
And so much more awaits you in The Insulin Factor: How to Repair Your Body’s Master Controller and Conquer Chronic Disease…
So much more to help you sidestep chronic disease and the painful stress by naturally fixing the key that unlocks the good life.
Is this just another health book?
The Insulin Factor isn’t a book at all.
It’s a protocol and guide, and a reference you can use for life.
When it’s eventually released to the public, all the work and research will result in a cover price of at least $69.95.
But for a limited time I’ve slashed that price in half. You can get The Insulin Factor today for almost 50% off the cover price. Only $39.95. Why? Because I want you to have it as a lifelong guide that will revolutionize your approach to staying healthy and warding off chronic disease.
As you’ve already seen from the “forbidden secrets” I revealed above, The Insulin Factor doesn’t focus on just one aspect of your health… it encompasses the entire spectrum.
It’s really that simple as to why this book is very different from the rest. In fact…
This guide can actually save you money
I’m sure you’ve heard the old saying: "if you have your health, you have everything."
But if you follow mainstream medicine and Big Pharma’s advice, what will that cost you?
And in the end, how healthy and pain-free will you really be?
If you take action and follow my specific guidelines in The Insulin Factor, you’ll become healthier using natural means readily available to you.
In the long run, this should…
- Save you time, money, and the inconvenience of excessive doctor’s
- Slash or eliminate the cost of expensive drugs and their unpredictable
side effects!
- Drastically reduce your need for surgical procedures!
- Get rid of pain and suffering that cannot be measured in terms
of cost savings!
- Eliminate the need to sign up for frustrating diet programs or
weight loss clubs!
If you follow my exercise guidelines you won’t necessarily even have to join a gym or fitness club… most of your workouts can be done at home.
Click here to get The Insulin Factor: How to Repair Your Body’s Master Controller and Conquer Chronic Disease —
and two FREE gifts today!
Get Started Today and I’ll Take All the Risk…
And Send You 2 FREE Gifts!
At only $69.95 The Insulin Factor would be a drop in the bucket compared to you’d save on health care costs… but remember — you’re getting it for almost 50% off, only $39.95.
For less than the cost of a co-pay for a doctor’s visit… or a monthly drug prescription… or the monthly cost of a diet program… you’ll have in your hands this powerful tool that will:
- Guide you through the easy steps to triumph over chronic disease and pain…
- Help you repair your metabolic mediator once and for all…
- Show you how to boost your energy levels…
- Act as a reference guide to eating the rights foods for a healthier you…
- Help you shed those extra pounds the natural way
Plus, if you get started today — I’ll send you two FREE gifts!
These "tools" will increase the power of my new master protocol you’ll discover when you receive your copy of The Insulin Factor: How to Repair Your Body’s Master Controller and Conquer Chronic Disease.
FREE Tool #1: The Omega Secret: Sharper Mind, Stronger Heart, and a Bulletproof Immune System — a $19.95 value, yours FREE!
Through the stories of two survival miracles I’ll show you why the most important brain-boosting nutrient we know of, that’s missing from our food, can have a profound impact on your brain health and your life.
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In this ground-breaking report, you’ll discover how to treat cancer naturally without surgery, radiation, or chemotherapy, and where to find each of these natural miracles!
Click here to get The Insulin Factor: How to Repair Your Body’s Master Controller and Conquer Chronic Disease —
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A huge value, plus you get my 100% Money-back,
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That’s almost 50% off the cover price, plus you'll receive bonus #1 — The Omega Secret, a $19.95 value FREE, and bonus #2 — 22 Natural Anti-Cancer Meds Big Pharma Never Wants You to Know About, a $19.95 value also FREE… all told you save $61.85 in savings and free gifts.
I feel so confident your health will improve dramatically after you receive The Insulin Factor, I will return every penny you paid if you don’t value the information in it as much as my patients have.
If you ever decide, for any reason, that my exclusive guide is not worth the cost, I’ll gladly refund every cent you paid.
But I can make this promise because I believe The Insulin Factor is truly your key to defeating disease for good.
Here’s to thriving in the years ahead,

Michael Cutler, M.D.
Editor, Easy Health Digest™
P.S. The Insulin Factor is a reference guide to prevent and cure chronic disease everyone should have and read. So, Order Today… and start improving your life right away.